Bespoke for your company Whatever your needs are

We were asked to do a campaign for Timberland retails stores through the whole of Europe, this was an incentive for customers to bring in their old shoes into the shops and receive 10% off a new pair of Timberland shoes
Recycling boxes were sent out to every Timberland store in Europe including Timberland stores in Airports
The old footwear then had to be collected from the stores sent back to Africashoes and then Exported to Africa

We have containers sitting at the Pentland centre in London where any samples or any footwear or apparel is stored until full and then collected.
An agreed upon price per shoe is then donated last year £10’300 was raised and donated to charities Pentland support

We have exported whole lines of footwear when the manufacturer hasn’t passed quality checks, in order to put them to use rather than destroying them if a stich is out of place or the print is misaligned, sometimes careless glue marks and whole orders are cancelled

Sample Singles/Odd Footwear

Sample odds are usually size:
Children’s size12.5 UK 33 Euro
Ladies size 4 or 5 UK 37 or 38 Euro
Men’s size 7 or 8 UK 41 or 42 Euro

Sample odd shoes change all the time from season-to-season year to year, some of the iconic styles are changed ever so slightly from year to year.

Heels get higher or lower, thicker or none at all, flats, platforms, wedges, boots ankle knee length or thigh, flop flips, flip flops, toe post, toe open front, open front closed toe, open side, ¾ heel closed back, colours change.

Black stays the same for school, so Kickers are always popular.
Whatever is worn by pop stars are in fashion one week and out the next season.

Samples are normally manufactured in pairs, at some point they’ve been separated, one has perhaps been sent to a sales rep, or a Technologist and Designer, or drawn upon to be changed on final manufactured design.

If we can get the footwear collected from as many sources as possible there is a better chance of pairing them together again.

This is where we can help:
We have a contract with UK Mail and UPS International, we can collect one box of footwear or 40 ft. containers at a time.
We have a collect a sack system in place which will be billed to Africashoes just fill the sack

Retail Odd/Single footwear

Retail odd footwear are normally single shoes which have become separated from their pair.
This can happen during internet sales when customers order footwear and which are sent back without the correct packaging or possibly in the wrong box, if they’ve ordered two different sizes to try on.

Retail odds can also occur in retail shops when customers have tried on shoes and they have been put away carelessly.
Or on the shop floor they have been moved around and miss matched.

Large companies and retail brands can have huge volumes of single or odd footwear.

Please don’t confuse us with a charity

We are not registered as a charity Africashoes is a business we pay for all the stock we receive we can pay it to your company or to a charity of your choice
You can choose from many charities with which to work in the business of footwear, the only benefit from Africashoes is that you are dealing directly with me, rather than a board of committee members from a huge “charitable company”?
Only 13p in every £1 donated to a high street charity ends up with the end needy!
Be under no illusions, all huge recycling charities are dealing with smaller export companies like Africashoes who pay the charity for your stock, we in turn export the goods to Africa, and Eastern Europe etc.,
By dealing with Africashoes, you have direct say in where you are happy for your stock to ultimately end up.
The value of the stock directly goes back to your company or if you wish a charity of your choice.

Global coverage

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Customer faulty returns footwear and apparel

It’s not only odd shoes and samples,

Africashoes pay for and collect faulty customer returned footwear and clothing from many brands throughout Europe.

We have been in business for the last 20 years dealing with companies and manufacturers potential commercial waste.

100’s of thousands of pairs and pieces of apparel have been saved from landfilled and used as they were made for.

We have donated 100’s of thousands of pounds to Charites solved your commercial waste problems and reinvested back into your brands

Retail Odd/Single footwear OLD


Retail odd footwear are normally single shoes which have become separated from their pair. This can happen during internet sales e.g. when customers order footwear which is sent back without the correct packaging or possibly in the wrong box, if they’ve ordered two different sizes to try on. Retail odds can also occur in retail shops when customers have tried on shoes and they have been put away carelessly. Or on the shop floor they have been moved around and mismatched.


Large companies and retail brands can have huge volumes of single or odd footwear.

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Brand Protection


All footwear we receive are exported or destroyed. Footwear can be de-branded, labels can be removed or covered over. Footwear can be marked in such a way that they cannot be resold in the UK or Europe, by indelible pen or whole punched to identify them as returns.


Brand protection is very important to all our suppliers. Africashoes offers a way to solve waste disposal needs, whilst putting shoes on the feet of people, who normally wouldn’t be able to afford them.

About us

We are not registered as a charity. Africashoes is a business, and we pay for all the stock we receive. We can pay directly to your company, or to a charity of your choice. You can choose from many charities with which to work in the business of footwear. The benefit of using us at Africashoes is that you are dealing directly with us, rather than a board of committee members from a huge “charitable company”.

Only 13p in every £1 donated to a high street charity ends up with the end needy!

Be under no illusions, all huge recycling charities are dealing with smaller export companies like Africashoes, who pay the charity for your stock. We in turn export the goods to Africa, and Eastern Europe.

By dealing with Africashoes directly, you have direct say in where you are happy for your stock to ultimately end up. The value of the stock directly goes back to your company, or if you wish, a charity of your choice.

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Do you want to…

We used Africashoes for a small project but now we absolutely rely on their service, their enthusiasm and their ability to find innovative ways to repurpose redundant and waste stock and turn it into profit. Our costs have been reduced and as a bonus it helps businesses in Africa thrive.

James North

Africashoes have helped us lower our environmental impact by reducing wastage, minimising our storage requirement and best of all turning waste products into revenue!

Lee Butcher

Odd Shoes is a great way for us to recycle our commercial waste and footwears seconds. It’s great to know we’re stopping it from going into landfill.

James Stevens

It is a pleasure to deal with Odd Shoes. They are helpful, efficient and always ready to go the extra mile to solve our problems with us.

John McKenzie