Please don’t confuse us with a charity

We are not registered as a charity Africashoes is a business we pay for all the stock we receive we can pay it to your company or to a charity of your choice
You can choose from many charities with which to work in the business of footwear, the only benefit from Africashoes is that you are dealing directly with me, rather than a board of committee members from a huge “charitable company”?
Only 13p in every £1 donated to a high street charity ends up with the end needy!
Be under no illusions, all huge recycling charities are dealing with smaller export companies like Africashoes who pay the charity for your stock, we in turn export the goods to Africa, and Eastern Europe etc.,
By dealing with Africashoes, you have direct say in where you are happy for your stock to ultimately end up.
The value of the stock directly goes back to your company or if you wish a charity of your choice.